James Franco eats burgers from 1960! A review of episode 1 of Hulu’s 11.22.63

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So I just sat down with the wife and decided to watch some tv. We really didn’t have a plan on watching anything, but I remembered seeing a commercial for the show and the only thing I remembered was that it had something to do with James Franco trying to stop the JFK Assassination. I like shows like that so we gave it a try.

At first glance it reminded me of a 2016 version of Quantum Leap with a specific purpose. Part sci-fi since it uses a worm hole to get to November 22, 1963, part JFK conspiracy, and overall FUN and EXCITING!
James Franco is given a secret by a dying friend that has a worm hole in a closet of his diner. After unsuccessfully trying to convince Franco to go back in time and stop the assassination, his friend dies and Franco decides to try to do it. Armed with a plethora of information that his friend gave him, he sets off to try to accomplish what his friend couldn’t.

I really enjoyed watching the first episode and while other services like Netflix and Amazon Prime pretty much give you the whole season all at one time, Hulu decided to give you a new episode every Monday. That just pisses me off! Let me decide to binge watch Hulu!

James Franco; not my favorite of actors, does a great job in it. Definitely a must watch show and can’t wait to see how James Franco weaves his way around 1996’s to try to stop the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

Did I mention that any time period while in the worm hole only equal 2 minutes in the present reality? No? Well I just did. So watch and let me know what you guys think!