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Review: Footnotes

Footnotes is an upcoming French musical comedy that is built around women’s empowerment in a changing economy. It tells the story of  Julie (Pauline Etienne) who is struggling to make ends meet and is trying to find stability after bouncing from various employers. She lands an opportunity to work at a luxury shoe factory which gives her a trial period for possible permanent employment. While working at her new job, Julie learns that management is threatening to shut down the facility due to labor cost and other finances. Just when she thought that things were getting better, she has to find a way to save her job. With no family or friends, she has nowhere else to turn and is trying to find balance through her circumstances. There is a power struggle between her Supervisor and office management which puts her in the middle of more chaos. With the uncertainty of Julie’s job, she must decide to stand or fight against losing it all. Footnotes is a film that we can all relate to and has unexpected comical moments which are shared by songs of aspiration.




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Rating: A

Directed By: Paul Calori & Kostia Testut

Language: French w/subtitles

Genre: Musical comedy

Running Time: 85 Minutes

In Theaters: July 14, 2017
