The final act
Every morning, a small staff of obituary writers at The New York Times unleash interesting details of extraordinary lives based on stories spun amid the daily beat of war, politics, sports and entertainment. It’s magic what goes into these obits. With only a handful of obituary writers in the world, none are better than those at The Times, where obits have become some of the best pieces in journalism. Quite frankly, documentary storytelling in print.
OBIT takes us on a unique journey beyond headlines and deep within the minds of those chronicling life after death. The film invites some of the most FAQs about life, memory, and inevitable passage of time.
While I can see how someone may look at the entire process as a bit morbid, the overall idea OBIT gets arcorss is more about celebrating one’s life rather than focusing on their death. As a whole, the documentary is an engaging, educational, and (to a degree) emotional experience. It’s a creative hustle on life not many tackle these days. It’s a last gasp in form of art. OBIT exposed it to its core and cinematically defines that although we can’t do anything about death, death can do a lot for us. How? Well, by engraving our once existing energy in our loved-one’s minds, bodies, and souls.
OBIT will expand your mind beyond the grave. Therefore, making this piece of brilliant filmmaking one of the year’s must-see films.
Grade: A / Genre: Documentary / Run Time: 1:33
Directed by: Vanessa Gould