Nico (Guillermo Pfening), a successful Argentinean actor, leaves a promising career in Buenos Aires after a romantic clash with a married producer. Landing in NYC chasing a promising film role, aside from believing he can make it all on his own, reality sets in when the project is stalled. Leading Nico on a path any struggling artist confronts. However, not just any artist. An artist that’s also undocumented. And despite his European look and links to the privileged, life isn’t any easier. Forced to take menial jobs to survive, he juggles thoughts between his imperfect, yet solid situation back home and harsh realities of an uncertain future in America.
Considering its slow-burn appeal at first, NOBODY’S WATCHING is a beautiful piece fitting for modern times. A peephole into the intimate life of a man in search for belonging and identity. It explores reluctant gains a downfall can provide by defining successes within the core of self-discovery and what really matters. As a unique immigrant story, the film nourishes its audience with the ups and downs when surviving the game of culture clashes in a city layered with many different flavors.
Grade: A / Genre: International Narrative / Run Time: 1:38
Starring: Nico Pfening / Directed by: Julia Solomonoff
TFF2017 Festival Screening Info:
© 2017 FiGa Films / Cinema Tropical