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Exclusive Q&A with MCDAVO

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corrientelatina-interview-mcdavo#corrientelatina : What first attracted you to Hip-Hop music?
#MCDAVO : Listening to all kinds of music, I felt that hip hop was something that caught my attention more than any other.


#corrientelatina : How does the Hip-Hop culture differ from Monterrey to let’s say the U.S?
#MCDAVO : In the U.S. I feel very comfortable knowing that on the radio and everywhere Hip Hop is considered a lifestyle, in Mexico that is yet to come.


#corrientelatina : What was the first Hip-Hop artist that you heard that totally blew your mind and you thought to yourself – I need to be as good or better than him?
#MCDAVO : Eminem


#corrientelatina : Now most people always state that they started from nothing, but you really started going through any and all outlets to push your music. What was the one thing that you learned from doing that? Any advice to other artists on what they should do and not do when going on social sites like this?
#MCDAVO : They need to really commit to their music, they need to make the compromise to connect with the fans trough their social sites, You gotta trust your gut, a good thing eventually blows up all around the world.


#corrientelatina : When you talk about your “Haciendo Lo Imposible” EP. What were you using at that time to create your music?
#MCDAVO : Just a regular Microphone, a very low budget mixer and my 2002 PC, some beats I bought on the internet and some beats that I bought from Meny Mendez, it was all very home made.


#corrientelatina : And this opened the door to you doing battles? How was that experience and would you battle again?
#MCDAVO : First I did battles, then thanks to that I was inspired to do songs. If the prize is right I think I could do one more battle.


#corrientelatina : Now winning these battles landed you in a real studio, Howse Records, and you released another EP called ‘Lo Dejo a tu Criterio’. Were you able to do more and be more creative with your music because it was a different environment or was there more pressure because time-wise you didn’t have that freedom to record at your pace?
#MCDAVO : I landed a deal where time was not an issue so there was no pressure, yes there was more creativity because I was working with more people then, not just me.


#corrientelatina : Then you released two independent albums ‘PSYCHOSIS 1’ and ‘PSYCHOSIS 2’ really close to each other, what was the thought process on releasing music back to back like that?
#MCDAVO : When Psychosis 1 was released I had to eliminate from the set track 5 very good songs, at those times I was burning up with ideas and was producing a lot of songs, now I take my time more carefully.


#corrientelatina : From all these EP’s and albums, which was the track that you had the most fun doing and the least fun recording?
#MCDAVO : Mis Defectos, that song was very fun to make.

mcdavo2#corrientelatina : Now you have a huge social following on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Do you find that by interacting with your fans on these social networks gives you the advantage because your fans feel like they could reach you easier?
#MCDAVO : 100%, theres nothing like being in touch with your fans in a direct form, knowing what your fans are posting about you and how they feel is priceless.


#corrientelatina : So now you are signed to WEA. Do you find that this is even more pressure to succeed or do you continue to do music in your same fashion?
#MCDAVO : I continue to make music that same way, it’s nice to have more equipment and creative people around you, but truly nothing has changed.


#corrientelatina : What can we expect from this album?
#MCDAVO : Same MCDAVO being real, more creativity and evolution in the tracks. We upgraded everything that MCDAVO is into a whole new level.

#corrientelatina : Any features?
#MCDAVO : 2 features, one with I-Majesty and Julio Voltio, both from Puerto Rico.


#corrientelatina : If you could record with any artist dead or alive, who would it be and why?
#MCDAVO : Eminem. Thanks to him I like hip hop.


#corrientelatina : Any last words for your fans on Corrientelatina?
#MCDAVO : To all rap fans that want to hear rap in Spanish, get ready, EL DOMINIO is coming to you.






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