Sonic Boom!
Following fanatical backlash a year ago after its first trailer, Paramount Pictures and director Jeff Fowler stopped in their tracks, made some adjustments, and it’s a go. That’s right, boys and girls… SONIC finally gets his cinematic release!
Based on an early 90s videogame franchise from Sega, SONIC THE HEDGEHOG tells the story of the world’s fastest hedgehog as he embraces his new home on Earth. In the live-action adventure, Sonic and his new friend Tom (James Marsden) join forces to defend the planet from an evil genius (Jim Carrey) and his malicious plans for world domination.
I never played the game, but I recall it very well. Kinda crazy it took almost 30 years for a SONIC live-action movie, but I’m not surprised it finally happened. That being said, I know Sonic’s rabid fanbase will sh*t on this as well. It’s the era we live in. But… who cares what they think. I—as well as the crowd I saw it with—had fun watching it. For my generation it’ll be nostalgic. For its new generation it’ll be a brightly, witty, new animated character exposing hero-like antics and enjoy every moment of it.
It’s not a jaw-dropping piece, but if you disengage your brain and set biases aside, it’s enjoyable. SONIC THE HEDGEHOG is designed to entertain, with an overall scope on family, love and unity, no matter what the differences. It doesn’t really tug at the heart the way I think it intended to, but it makes up with its PG-rated comedic appeal. It’s quick, cute, fun, adventurous, full of action, and most of all… it has Jim Carry! Whose old-school, slap-stick comedy is utilized perfectly to add a little push for laughs. As a whole, the flick breezes through as swiftly as its lead.
Sonic will make you smile in some way, shape, or form. You’ll see. Buckle up and enjoy the ride. I don’t know that Paramount will see the birth of a new movie franchise, but… who am I? Stranger things have happened! The f*cken Trolls got a sequel. The Trolls!