Sorry Saturday Night Live it has NEVER been ok to be a racist! Louis C.K. “Mildly Racist” Monologue

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"Sorry Saturday Night Live it has NEVER been ok to be a racist! Louis C.K. “Mildly Racist” Monologue"

Sorry Saturday Night Live it has NEVER been ok to be a racist! Louis C.K. “Mildly Racist” Monologue.

Ok so I have personally never been a huge fan of SNL. Some skits are funny and we may put them on this website for people’s enjoyment. but the Description under last nights Saturday Night Live’s opening monologue by half  Mexican comedian Louis C.K. entitled “Mildy Racist” doesn’t and shouldn’t fly.

Host Louis C.K. discusses what it was like growing up in the 1970s, when it was okay to be racist and everyone knew about the town child molester.

Now I have been a fan of Louis C.K. for years and consider him one of the best comedians out now right along with Bill Burr.  But to think and say that racism was ok in the 70’s; especially in this time where racism is finally bubbling over and crossing the media is totally Socially Irresponsible.

What do you guys think?